As for the U.S., the dollar is the reserve currency and we have the benefit of printing money. 至于美国,美元是世界储备货币,我们可以享受开动钞票印刷机带来的好处。
Lau says this is a step toward making the yuan a reserve currency in Asian banks. 刘凯文说,这是推动人民币成为亚洲银行储备货币的一个步骤。
There is little prospect, however, that the renminbi will become a dominant global reserve currency. 不过,人民币成为占主导地位的全球储备货币可能性不大。
-will the renminbi soon rival the dollar as a global reserve currency? 一是,人民币不久后是否将与美元争夺全球储备货币的地位?
But it would probably require the Chinese currency to become a global reserve currency to rival the dollar. 但这可能会要求人民币成为与美元比肩的全球储备货币。
The former one endows euros with the role of international reserve currency; 建议一赋予了欧元主要国际储备货币的角色;
The IMF holds SDRs, underpinned by dollar, euro, yen and pound, as its reserve currency. IMF将美元、欧元、日元和英镑支持的SDR作为储备货币。
The two other life forces for a reserve currency are sovereign credibility and power. 储备货币生命力的另两项基本因素是主权信誉和实力。
Over time some countries will keep more renminbi, making it more like a reserve currency. 假以时日,一些国家将持有更多人民币,使人民币更像是一种储备货币。
Emerging economies such as China and Russia are calling for alternatives to the dollar as a reserve currency. 中国和俄罗斯等新兴经济体正呼吁用其它货币取代美元作为储备货币。
The dollar will remain by far the dominant international reserve currency for decades. 未来几十年,美元仍将是占主导地位的国际储备货币。
Then, he said, the euro will become more appealing as a reserve currency. 他表示,到那个时候,作为一种储备货币,欧元将变得更有吸引力。
The continuation of extremely low interest rates and unconventional monetary policies by major reserve currency issuers have created stark challenges for emerging market countries in the conduct of monetary policy. 主要储备货币发行方继续实行极低利率和非常规货币政策,给新兴市场国家制定和执行货币政策造成了严峻挑战。
When one manages a reserve currency, it needs an'outside'anchor to keep global credit expansion under control. 在管理储备货币时,需要一个外部“锚”来确保全球信贷增长处于控制之下。
The time is going to come when the dollar is not the world's reserve currency any more. 美元不再是世界储备货币的那一天就要到来了。
Why might China want to turn the renminbi into a reserve currency? 为什么中国希望把人民币打造为一种储备货币呢?
The dollar was the most liquid of these hard currencies and so the reserve currency of choice. 在这些“硬通货”中,美元的流动性最强,因此成为了储备货币的当然之选。
How to reform the international monetary system, firstly we should establish supra-national sovereignty reserve currency. 如何改革国际货币体系,一是设立超国家主权的储备货币。
The US supplies two critical global public goods: the reserve currency and deep and predictable financial markets. 美国供应两种关键性的全球公共品:储备货币和深而可测的金融市场。
Second, China is far from creating the policy and market environment for the renminbi to become a reserve currency. 第二,中国远远没有创造出让人民币成为储备货币的政策和市场环境。
In such an environment I would expect the euro to become increasingly important as a global reserve currency and as a medium of exchange in global transactions. 在这样一个环境下,我预计,在作为一种全球储备货币和全球交易媒介方面,欧元的地位将越来越重要。
China in 2008 suggested that SDRs could eventually replace the US dollar as a global reserve currency and said that the renminbi and other developing countries 'currencies should be better represented in the underlying basket. 中国曾在2008年暗示,SDR可以最终取代美元成为全球储备货币,还曾表示人民币和其他发展中国家的货币应当更好地体现于支持SDR的货币篮子。
China's central bank yesterday proposed replacing the US dollar as the international reserve currency with a new global system controlled by the International Monetary Fund. 中国人民银行(People'sBankofChina)昨日提议,创建一个由国际货币基金组织(IMF)控制的新全球体系,取代以美元作为国际储备货币的现行体系。
The Pound Sterling is the third global reserve currency. 英镑是全球第三大外汇储备货币。
China and Russia have even talked about making it the issuer of a global reserve currency to replace the dollar. 它最近改革了贷款计划,中国和俄罗斯甚至谈到让其发行一种全球性储备货币以替代美元。
The dollar is not the only reserve currency. But it remains the most important. 美元不是唯一的储备货币,但仍然是最重要的。
What about turning the renminbi itself into a global reserve currency? 那么将人民币转变为一种全球储备货币如何?
New global economic trends are changing the costs and benefits of having a reserve currency. 全球经济的新趋势,正使得拥有储备货币的成本与效益发生着改变。
Strengthen the international reserve currency country's supervision, improve the international reserve currency regulation and control mechanisms. 加强对国际储备货币发行国的监督,健全国际储备货币发行调控机制。
I am not saying the dollar will lose its reserve currency status, but it will become relative. 我不是说美元将失去储备货币的地位,但它将变得相对(不那么重要)。